St. Lawrence Church (Cincinnati) is a Roman Catholic church located at 3680 Warsaw Avenue, in Price Hill, in Cincinnati, Ohio. The church was built on one of the highest hilltops in Cincinnati. The mother parish was St. Michael's in lower Price Hill.
St Lawrence Church was organized at Mt. St. Mary's Seminary in 1868 under the direction of Rev. J. M. Bonner. A tract of land was purchased and a building erected which was dedicated June 12, 1870. In 1886, work was begun on the present gothic structure, and the cornerstone was laid October 16, 1886. The basement was dedicated May 22, 1887. The superstructure was completed and the new church dedicated September 30, 1894 by Archbishop William Henry Elder. The new church is 72 x 165 feet and cost $106,000. In 1896, the congregation numbered 475 families. [1]